The Balearic Islands continue to struggle with alcohol tourists

From May 11, huge fines are introduced for drinking

The Balearic Islands continue to struggle with alcohol tourists

Along with alcohol parties, another popular tourist fun has been banned in the Balearic Islands — jumping from balconies into swimming pools. It is noted that this entertainment often leads to serious injuries, and sometimes to victims. Now violators face immediate eviction and heavy fines.From Saturday, May 11, for drinking alcohol outside the designated establishments, in particular, on the streets, in squares and parks, fines will range from 500 to 1500 euros.So far, however, this applies only to the most popular places among travelers, such as Playa de Palma and Magaluf in Mallorca and San Antonio in Ibiza.Restrictions on the promotion of alcoholic beverages and parties have been introduced at popular seaside resorts. The issuance of licenses for cruises with alcohol has been discontinued. Botellón in Spain is, without exaggeration, a national phenomenon. Literally translated as “big bottle”, it is used to refer to gatherings of young people with alcohol in public places.The new decree of the island authorities imposes even more restrictions on the movement of ships on which parties are held. Such boats are prohibited from approaching the above-mentioned areas closer than one nautical mile (1,852 km). Boarding and disembarking of passengers in these locations is still prohibited, as well as advertising of this type of recreation, during which “uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages occurs.” Information about all violations involving foreigners will be sent to the relevant embassies and consulates.Promotions in which tourists were offered discounted drinks or unlimited access to alcohol were banned in a number of cities. The regional government calls this a breakthrough in the fight for the improvement of tourism. “The Balearics have become the first European destination where they struggle with such leisure activities,” said Iago Negeruela, tourism adviser to the local administration. The fight against alcohol tourism is explained by concern not only for the health and image of the region, but also for the peace of local residents who complain about noisy parties. The outflow of the population from the resort areas is associated with round-the-clock parties. At the same time, some restrictions have been severely criticized by associations of the tourism business, which is already calculating losses. “Forcing shops and bars to close at half past nine in the evening is too much. And again, small shops suffer the most,” the Majorcan Tourist Service Association complains. By the way, the 2020 law prohibits any sale of alcohol in certain areas of the Balearic Islands, including in bars and restaurants, from 21:30 to 08:00 local time. Plus, during work, it is not allowed to lure visitors with promotions such as “third cocktail for free”, “happy hour” and other promotional offers.

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