The EU Council has adopted the updated Schengen Border Code

The temporary introduction of control at internal borders is regulated

The EU Council has adopted the updated Schengen Border Code

The EU Council approved the new Schengen Border Code, a set of EU rules governing the management of internal and external borders, as well as border control of persons, INTERFAX reports.”Traveling through the Schengen area without border controls is one of the main achievements of the EU. With today’s vote, we have given member states the necessary tools to maintain such borderless movements within the Schengen area, while ensuring the security of external borders, combating illegal migration and risks to public health,” said Annelis Verlinden, Minister of the Interior of the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council. As noted in the Council’s communique, “reform plays an important role in increasing the resilience of the Schengen area to current and future crises at its external borders.” The regulation approved by the EU Council provides an opportunity to adopt “pan-European measures that restrict access of third-country nationals to the European Union in the event of a large-scale public health emergency.” The regulation also introduces a procedure “that will make it possible to combat the secondary movement of migrants (refuseniks) from one member State to another,” and also offers solutions for situations where migrants are used at borders for political purposes. The document contains an explanation of the rules regarding the possible temporary introduction of controls at internal borders, which ensure that such actions remain a last resort. The revised Code sets out the maximum duration for which such controls can be maintained at internal borders. It can remain in force for a maximum of two years. In exceptional situations, internal border control may be extended twice for another 6 months with the possibility of an extension for one year. This Regulation of the Council of the EU shall enter into force on the twentieth day after its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

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