Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

In winter, the fight against cold is extremely relevant both for ordinary urban residents and for tourists renting cold apartments or country houses. Proper thermal insulation allows you to reduce the size of utility bills, and the main thing is to keep warm…

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Techniques for protecting a room from the cold can be divided into two types. Firstly, we are talking about classical thermal insulation schemes. Secondly, an increase in temperature is achieved by the efficient use of heat sources, for example, central heating. Below are both methods. The methods we have selected are relevant not only in the conditions of your own apartment or house. They will help tourists keep warm in rented accommodation, poorly heated hotels or camp sites. 

1. Installing a fan near the battery

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Installing a fan near the battery

A simple technique that allows you to extract maximum thermal calories from the central heating battery. The air, accelerated by the fan, circulates between the radiator grilles, blowing heat from there into the room. The temperature rise in the room is felt almost immediately. At the same time, the cost of electricity consumed by the fan is low. The power of a standard household cooler is approximately 50 watts: like an economical light bulb. 

2. Mounting foil behind radiators

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Installation of foil behind radiators

A metal film mounted on the wall behind the battery plays the role of a mirror. It reflects the infrared radiation generated by the radiator back into the room. Due to this, the heat does not dissolve in the wall, but is almost completely used to warm up the air. Any foil of sufficient thickness can be used as a reflector: from packaging to food. If you equip all apartment batteries with reflectors, you can avoid 20% heat loss. 

3. Moving furniture and things away from batteries

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Moving furniture and things away from batteries

If the radiator is covered by a sofa or wardrobe, then the furniture is heated, not the air. In addition to inefficient convection, this leads to damage to chairs and headsets, as they crumble and deform. When it’s freezing outside and the room is cool, you can at least temporarily rearrange the furniture by removing the radiators. The same is true for wearable items like suitcases and bags. If they close the battery, they do not allow it to give off heat normally. 

4. Using massive curtains

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

The use of massive curtains

The windows are in contact with the street, so a considerable amount of heat escapes through them. According to experts, thick curtains can reduce its losses by 40%. The best thermal insulation is provided by curtains made of dense materials: velvet, dimout, viscose or velour. But fabrics made of artificial fibers, linen and cotton keep heat much worse. For maximum insulation, curtains should be hung as close to the glass as possible and do not forget to pull them after sunset. 

5. The bathroom door is open

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

The bathroom door is open

An unobvious, but effective life hack. It is based on the fact that after taking a shower, the bathroom is much warmer than in residential areas. In order for the heated air not to be wasted, it is better to use it properly. An open door will allow the hot atmosphere of the bathroom to increase the overall temperature of the apartment. This is especially useful if it is heated by electric heaters that burn through and dehumidify the air. Steam from the bathroom humidifies the general atmosphere to normal levels. 

6. Closing gaps in windows and doors

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Elimination of cracks in windows and doors

Previously, the joints of window frames were sealed with newspapers, nowadays there are more effective ways. Foam rubber, styrofoam, cotton wool or sealant can be used to protect against drafts. The cracks are sealed with the selected material, and paint or ordinary adhesive tape can be glued on top of it. The door to the balcony is insulated with the same foam, sold in rolls or strips. It is better to insulate large gaps between the frame and the wall with construction foam. Sealing windows provides not only heat preservation, but also sound insulation. 

7. Pasting window panes with film

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Pasting of window panes with film

Ideally, you should buy a special energy-saving film with a metallized layer. In winter, this coating does not release infrared radiation from heat sources outside, but in summer, on the contrary, reflects the heat of the sun. Modern transparent thermal films are capable of retaining 50% of thermal radiation. If there is no such coating at hand, you can use the usual bubble wrap used for packaging. The air bubbles will act as a kind of thermal barrier. 

8. Opening curtains in the daytime

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Opening curtains in the daytime

Physicists have calculated: sunlight penetrating through the windows gives at least 3% of the heat in the apartment. At first glance, this is not a lot, but even such an additive can raise the temperature by 1-2 ° C. The fact that the direct rays of the Sun are a powerful source of heat is easy to see by the example of the functioning of greenhouses and greenhouses. It is especially important to open the curtains during the day in clear weather. The air temperature rises by a solid indicator if the windows face the sunny side. 

9. Thermal insulation of floors with thick carpets

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Thermal insulation of floors with thick carpets

From 10 to 20% of heat can escape from the room through uncoated floors. To avoid these losses, it is enough to cover the floors with paths, or even better – with thick carpets. First-class thermal insulation is provided by coatings made of natural wool: sheep or camel. If you are allergic to such materials, you can cover the floor with artificial materials. Acrylic and polyester carpets with long pile are well suited for heat retention. It is important that the material has a high density of at least 300 thousand nodules per 1 sq.m.

10. Buying an electric blanket or electric sheet

Ten ways to insulate your home in cold weather

Buying an electric blanket or an electric blanket is great for tourists who travel a lot. The electric belt is a compact and lightweight heat source that fits freely in a bag. The product allows you to comfortably spend the night even in cold rooms, because it warms up the user directly. Of course, there should be electricity in the place of accommodation, but, as a rule, even remote places on the planet are now electrified. Bed insulation coverings can also be used at home if the batteries are cold. 

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