Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Among the Parisian attractions there are places where there are almost no tourists. One of them is “Le Cimetière des Chiens” (translated as the dog cemetery), also known as the pet cemetery in Paris. This is where I went during my next trip to France.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

“Le Cimetière des Chiens”, Paris

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

“Le Cimetière des Chiens” in Paris

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

“Le Cimetière des Chiens”, France

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

“Le Cimetière des Chiens” in France

It is located between the suburbs of Clichy-la-Garenne and Asnière-sur-Seine, in the north-west of Paris, on the left bank of the Seine, 1400 meters from the railway station Gare d’ASNIÈRES Sur Seine (15-20 minutes), in 800 meters from Gabriel Péri Metro Station (10-12 minutes) and 1000 meters from the Mairie de Clichy metro station (15 minutes).

According to a friend who lives in the Asnières-sur-Seine area, the best option is to take the train to Gare d’ASNIÈRES Sur Seine station and walk from there. Also, a normal option is to get to the Mairie de Clichy metro station, but then you will need to cross the bridge: in spring, autumn and winter it can be very windy here. He did not recommend the Gabriel Péri station, as the crime rate, according to him, is high there, since it is a Muslim-Black area.

Cimetiere de Chien is the 1st animal cemetery in France and the 2nd in the world, it was founded and opened in 1899 by lawyer and actress Marguerite Durand. It is a small elongated territory bordering the Seine River. Many famous French animals are buried here, famous both independently (rescue dogs, actor dogs) and thanks to their owners – famous French personalities.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Dog cemetery

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Dog Cemetery, France

Ordinary pets also rest here. For example, there is a grave of a horse, a lion, a gazelle, a chicken and a turtle. And of course, there are many graves of rabbits, birds, hamsters, cats and dogs.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Dog Cemetery, Paris

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Dog cemetery in France

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

The cemetery of dogs in Paris

The entrance here is through a gate, to the right of a large beautiful gate. There is a ticket office here, where you need to purchase a ticket worth 3.5 euros for adults and 1.5 euros for children, who will go to the improvement of the territory.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Cemetery “Le Cimetière des Chiens”

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Cemetery “Le Cimetière des Chiens”, France

Below is the cost of burying animals in the Dog Cemetery in 2017 (rent of graves of different sizes for 1,3,5,10 and 20 years):

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

The cost of animal burial

Right at the entrance there is perhaps the most grandiose local monument – a dog named Barry (more precisely, it is dedicated to all rescue dogs).

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monument to a dog named Barry

This St. Bernard worked in the mountains and saved 40 people. In fact, he is not buried here, as he is on display in the Bern Museum.

The territory, in general, is not very large, it is planned by alleys – it is cozy and beautiful here. Cemeteries in autumn, when the leaves fall, look beautiful.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Cemetery “Le Cimetière des Chiens”, Paris

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Le Cimetière des Chiens cemetery in Paris

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

The cemetery “Le Cimetière des Chiens” in France

I tried my besttake pictures of the most memorable tombstones. It can be seen that the masters have been working on them for more than one day. Some of them are very well maintained – fresh flowers and toys.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Tombstones, photos

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Tombstones, photo 1

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Tombstones, photo 2

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Tombstones, photo 3

It is now the end of November, and some graves are already decorated with Christmas motifs.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Tombstones, photo 4

So cute, the owners don’t forget about their pets.

Sometimes there are very old graves. For example, this one is from 1929:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photos

and this one is from 1900:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photo 1

And here are the years 1914 and 1909:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photo 2

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photo 3

According to some monuments to the graves, it is generally impossible to understand when they are placed, but it is clear that they are very old:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photo 4

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Animal graves, photo 5

I also liked the very modest and stylish monument to the kitty:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photos

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 1

And the monument to this kitty looks impressive:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 3

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 4

And here is a very peculiar grave for the dog:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photos 5

and here too – with pictures of a cat at a bowl:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 6

Sculptors worked on some of them:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 7

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 8

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Monuments, photo 9

Different animals rest here, for example, a turtle’s grave:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photos

and these are rabbits:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 1

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 2

Here’s a bird:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 3

Some graves with several pets that died at different times:

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 4

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 5

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 6

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

Graves, photo 7

When we were here, there were no tourists at all. I only noticed this girl who came to the grave, apparently to her pet.

Pet Cemetery in Paris | The cemetery of dogs in Paris

The girl at the animal cemetery

Stood at his grave for a long time, silent. It’s so sad..

If you are looking for interesting and unusual places in Paris, I advise you to take the time and come here to the Dog Cemetery. It’s small, you can walk around it in 20 minutes.

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